jangan ikut campur tangan bahasa Inggris
- jangan: but don't; do not be; don't; don't be; or don't;
- ikut: go in for; join in; trace; go on; pay a visit;
- ikut campur: had a hand in; have a hand in; having a hand in;
- campur: admix; mingle; misch; mix; mixed; plus; mingled;
- campur tangan: interere; interference; intervene; intervention;
- tangan: hand; paw; limb; bridge player; mitt;
- jangan campur tangan: let well alone; leting well alone
- ikut campur: had a hand in; have a hand in; having a hand in; poke nose into; interfere; intervene; meddle; step in
- campur tangan: interere; interference; intervene; intervention; mess; interpose; intrusion; interfere; step in; intercession; hindrance; tamper; hinderance; meddle
- campur tangan -: put oar in
- ikut campur urusan orang -: cast in lot with
- orang yang ikut campur: meddler
- perbuatan ikut campur: intervention
- sifat suka ikut campur: officiousness
- suka ikut campur: kibitz; meddlesome; officious